Even though Howard was happy for Fleur that she was starting her own great adventure, it still made him a bit sad that she was leaving. They are all so close and such good friends.
Here is Howard, explaining to Fleur what is happening.

She was still quite nervous (understandably so!) so Howard continued to comfort her as I prepared to wrap her up safely for her journey.

After Fleur is all safely wrapped up, Howard gives her a little pep talk.

Howard is such a good friend, he stayed with Fleur all the way to the post office. He had to be very brave for his good friend and go for another van ride.

One final goodbye.

Even though Howard is very happy for his good friend Fleur, he misses her terribly. He knows that Gumbles will come and Gumbles will leave, but he will miss each and every one of them.
Don't forget to stop by tomorrow and see what Howard is up to today!
Have a Gumbly Day!
hehe and she's a pretty pretty gumble. :)
Poor Howard it is hard when a friend moves.
LOL too cute
I am sure that howard will have no problem making new friends with the new grumble that moves in.
he seems so sad. Maybe fleur can send howard a "postcard" from her new home so he wont be so sad...
I don't know why, but, until I read this, I kept "seeing" the name of your item as "grumbles." It seems I'm certainly not unique in that!
Good thing you had another story..I keep checking for one..Just love Howard..
LOL, cute blog!
I love reading about Howard. Hopefully he can stay in touch with Fleur.
I just love this idea..so cute. I want Fleur's hair.
LOL that's so cute! =]
Awww! This should be a children's book!
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